Wednesday 19 September 2012

Intake and Exhaust System Architecture Part 1

Moving on from the basic engine geometry we can begin to calculate intake and exhaust architecture; Now to appeal again to all I have changed the engine from a Formula 1 engine to a MotoGP engine of 2011 Regulations (800cc), feel free to carry out the following on a 1000cc engine of 2012 on, but remember bore cannot exceed 81mm alternatively continue with the F1 engine geometry calculated in the cylinder blog.

The MotoGP cylinder architecture is;

Engine Specification

S:B Ratio

Intake system;

The whole concept of the inlet port is to deliver the correct amount of charge in the cylinder at the critical time (Inlet valve closed (IVC)). So mass or speed of the intake charge will only matter at a critical stage in the filling procedure just as it will on the exhaust side during scavenging. The length of the overall intake system will affect the filling procedure due to rarefaction and pressure wave tuning the same as the overall diameter affects CFM and velocity.

This is confirmed by Heisler;

 ‘When the engine is running, a column of air moves through the induction tract passageway from the point of entry to the inlet port and valve and then into the cylinder. Every time the inlet valve opens, the reduction in cylinder pressure produces a negative pressure-wave which travels (at the speed of sound) through the column of air from the back of the inlet valve to the open atmospheric end of the tract. Immediately this pressure-wave pulse reaches the atmosphere, rarefaction occurs. Instantly the surrounding air rushes in to fill this depression. As a result, a reflected positive pressure-wave is produced that travels back to the inlet port’ [1]

Heisler goes on to say;

good manifold design are as follows ……5 to provide the smallest possible induction tract diameter that will maintain adequate air velocity at low speed without impeding volumetric efficiency in the upper speed range’ [1]

Blair writes:

‘Without the reflection of pressure waves, such as found in normal acoustic analysis, volumetric efficiency and thus power would be greatly affected’ [2]

The length of the intake system should be calculated by taking into account the speed of sound and the RPM that the engine will operate whilst taking into consideration the time in crankshaft degrees it will take for a pulse to travel the length of the system and back to the atmosphere. The degrees of crankshaft rotation during this time can be between eighty and ninety degrees dependant on manifold design so an array of differing durations need to be calculated and later optimised for the final engine. C is the speed of sound in air (343m/s) and N is the operating engine speed you wish to optimise the intake for. In this case peak RPM and power (18750RPM);

As can be seen in figure 2.2 the diameter of the intake system is directly related to the engine’s piston area and the these diameters a, b, c, d and e (fig 2.3) can be calculated as follows;

Exhaust Port;

The length of the exhaust system can be calculated as follows;


The Inlet Valve to Exhaust Valve Ratio for a high performance engine is given as 1.2 [3] and therefore the exhaust valve can be calculated as;

30.8/1.2 = 25.6mm

The exhaust system is also directly related to the piston area and as such the exhaust primary (the area where the exhaust manifold meets the cylinder head) can also be calculated;
‘The optimum value of the ratio of exhaust primary cross section area to piston area is 0.287.’ [3] thus;

[1]       Heinz Heisler. Advanced Engine Technology. Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 0-340-56822-4, 1995 Updated 2003.
[2]      Gordon P. Blair. Design and Simulation of Four Stroke Engines. Published by Society of Automotive Engineers, 1999. ISBN 0-7680-0440-3
[3]      G Cantore and E Mattarelli. Similarity Rules and Parametric Design of Four Stroke Moto GP Engines. 2004 SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-3560.

Monday 17 September 2012

Engine Architecture and Power Production

OK as I have explained the four stroke cycle, I have added the following documents as these show some basic formulae for engine architecture and power production. HTML messes with the equations so it's easier to click the link.

Click the link below for formulae and question;

Please feel free to attempt the questions and if you are unsure I have added the answers below!

Click the link below for the specimen answer;

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Four Stroke Cycle

OK I said there was more than enough info on the web to explain the four stroke cycle for a petrol (spark ignition (SI)) engine however I will slightly edit the article added to the web by Motoman in his blog as I feel he describes it best and similar to how I would teach this to my students.

A four-stroke spark ignition internal combustion engine is exactly that, it creates power from four individual strokes each lasting 180 crankshaft rotational degrees if we ignore intake and exhaust lead and lag. The text book explanations are widely available to read but can be described as follows;

i)                    Induction - The intake valve opens as the piston goes down to draw in the fuel and air mixture.
ii)                  Compression - The intake valve closes and the piston goes up compressing the mixture.
iii)                Power/Ignition - The spark plug ignites the mixture forcing the piston down.
iv)                Exhaust - The exhaust valve opens as the piston goes up to expel the burned/spent gas. 

Each step of the process overlaps the actual strokes of the piston, it is far more appropriate and accurate to think of the cycle in terms of 8 phases rather than four 180-degree strokes;
Two exhaust phases;
i) Exhaust Blow-down:
The spent gases must be cleared from the cylinder as completely as possible. The only way to accomplish this is to open the exhaust valves about 30-40 degrees (or greater in some extreme high performance engines) before the bottom of the power stroke (exhaust valve lead), so that the pressure of the still burning charge causes it to begin to escape out of the cylinder. If the power phase were allowed to continue to the bottom of the piston stroke, the piston would have to work hard to push against the high pressure created by the still burning (and still expanding) gas during the upward exhaust stroke. Instead, some of its own pressure is used to blow itself out of the cylinder while the piston is still on the downward stroke. 
ii) Exhaust Return:
By the time the piston reverses direction in the exhaust return phase, the excess pressure is gone. For high performance engines the best time to open the exhaust valves is a compromise between extracting the most power from the power phase at low RPM, and losing the least power from the exhaust phase at high RPM.
Three intake phases;
There are three distinctly different ways the intake charge enters the engine.

iii) Intake Overlap:

The intake phase actually begins during the end of the exhaust return phase when a certain amount of degrees before the top of the piston stroke, the intake valves open (inlet valve lead). This is also called the camshaft overlap period because the intake and exhaust valves are both open a small amount at the same time (the exhaust valves are closing and the intake valves are opening), the exhaust valves will remain open for a certain amount of crankshaft degrees into the induction stroke (exhaust valve lag).

The low pressure from the exiting exhaust creates a flow pattern across the top of the cylinder (the laminar region) that draws fresh intake mixture into the cylinder to displace the last remaining spent gases. The flow of intake mixture into the cylinder has been started while the piston is still going up against the direction of the flow it is pumping.

iv) Intake Suction:
Now the piston has passed the top and is accelerating on the downward stroke. At the same time, the intake valves are opening rapidly to allow the intake charge to enter the cylinder with minimal resistance. Since the fuel/air mixture has a certain amount of mass, it tends to lag behind the piston, and this lag time becomes more pronounced as the engine revolutions increase. As a result, the piston first creates a low pressure condition in the cylinder, and the mixture rushes in to fill it. 

v) Intake Charging:
This is the time when the piston has passed the bottom of the stroke, and begun to move up. Because of the charge momentum created by the intake suction phase, the fuel and air mixture is still rushing down the intake tract to fill the cylinder. This phenomenon increases with the engine speed, to the point that a progressively higher percentage of the cylinder filling occurs after the piston is no longer physically "sucking" the charge in. Because of this, it is necessary to extend the intake phase way past the physical 180 degree intake stroke. On average, the valves do not completely close until the piston has moved up about 55 degrees past the bottom of the 180 degree stroke.
As you can see, the length of these phases has to do with the speed of the engine, this is another compromise, because while the delayed valve closing improves high RPM cylinder filling, the charge velocity is not high enough at lower RPM, and the piston will push some of the fuel/air mixture back into the port.
Also, in order to extract the most power from the intake phase, the inducted charge must burn completely and since fuel is heavier than air, it is possible for some of the fuel to separate from the mixture as it moves through the ports and into the cylinder. This causes distinct lean and rich pockets in the cylinder, which will result in poor combustion efficiency.

The fuel/air charge should remain turbulent in the cylinder to maintain a uniform mixture throughout. One popular way to do this in a two valve engine is to curve the intake port to swirl (fig 1.1) the mixture into the cylinder. This doesn't work with a four or five valve head though, because too much turbulence is created in the port, which disrupts the volume of flow into the cylinder. A multi-valve pent-roof design utilises tumble (fig 1.2) to maintain a homogenous intake charge instead.

Fig 1.1 - Motion of swirl within an Internal Combustion                            Fig 1.2 - Motion of tumble within an Internal Combustion
Engine’s Cylinder (K Reeves 2009)                                                            Engine’s Cylinder (K Reeves 2009)
vi)  Compression Phase
The moment the intake valves are closed during the upward compression stroke marks the end of the intake phase, and the beginning of the compression phase. Since it is the expansion of the burning charge that pushes the piston down, the more the fuel/air charge can be initially compressed, the greater the total expansion will be once it is burned. (Further reading is available within my PV diagram and Mean Effective Pressure posts)
The limit to the maximum possible compression ratio is detonation. The one factor that has the greatest effect on limiting the detonation is the combustion efficiency.
Two Burning Phases
vii) Delay period/ Rapid pressure rise period;
The two burning phases actually contain the three phases of combustion commonly discussed with regard to the internal combustion engine. The first two phases have been placed together as the delay period is so short it does not warrant a numerical phase within this eight phase cycle.
The delay period consists of the time that the spark passes across the electrodes of the spark plug, igniting the fuel/air mixture and releasing enough heat energy to create a burn (this is the reason for spark advance), the second period is the rapid pressure rise which consists of the time it takes the heat to spread into a flame all the way through the fuel commonly known as flame propagation.

Heisler describes this as;
‘When the spark produces ignition the fuel molecules which are then burning, raise by conduction and radiation the temperature of adjacent molecules until they also ignite’ [1]
If this time is used when the piston is going down, then some of the potential power of the fuel will be lost. So, the best moment to ignite the spark will be before the piston has reached the top of its compression stroke. 

viii) Power Production Stroke/After burning period
The piston reaches the top, reverses direction, and only now is the engine finally making power. The piston is then forced down to the point of the exhaust blow-down phase, about 140 degrees down from top, and the cycle starts over. As the flame front reaches the cylinder walls during the power stroke approximately twenty-five percent of the mixture is still not completely burnt and thus the lack of remaining oxygen in the cylinder makes it hard to react with the flame, during this period the flame front loses heat to a point where the flame is terminated.

[1] Advanced Engine Technology - Heinz Heisler.  Butterworth-Heinemann 1995 ISBN 0340568224 Page 158

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Initial Bore and Stroke concepts of an F1 engine

Right so as promised a table highlighting several concepts for Bore and Stroke with a 1mm incremental scale on the stroke size. We can quickly narrow down our potential bore and stroke sizes as anything smaller than a 40mm stroke is illegal with regards bore size and anything above 45mm creates an unrealistic mean piston speed. n.b. remember the cylinder capacity is relatively small on these engines so we will need to rev them to create power so reducing the RPM to a reasonable mean piston speed is not necessarily the answer. But again it's all a compromise.

You could now check sizes in between the strokes given to optimise your design but I'm going to leave it there as there is so much to go through regards port, head, camshaft design etc.

Friday 3 August 2012

Engine Architecture and Mathematical Design cont....

Mean Piston Speed

Well since I've mentioned mean piston speed some of you may be wondering what I'm taking about, so I will go over it briefly now and discuss piston speeds with regards stroke and piston areas with regards pressures and compression ratio in depth later. It will tie in quite nicely now so you can use the formula to decide on your own engine architecture. 

So mean piston speed is the average speed the piston travels at in the cylinder at a given RPM. I will assume you all have some knowledge of internal combustion engines and in this instance 4 stroke engines. n.b. if not please carry out a search on Google as there is a plethora of information on the four stroke cycle.

So in one revolution of the crankshaft the piston moves down the cylinder and back up (2 strokes) in this time it accelerates from a stop, peak piston speed is produced half way during the stroke (dependant on con rod/crankshaft offsets etc. again this will be detailed later in the blog) and then it slows to a stop at the bottom of the stroke before changing direction and accelerating back up the cylinder before stopping once again at the top. So we have slow speeds and extremely high speeds, the average across the stroke is the mean!

The formula for mean piston speed (Cp) is as follows;

Cp  =2 x  S/10^3   x  N_RPM/60

We can simplify this as
Cp= ((S x 2) N_RPM)/60000

This equation shows the Stroke(S) times 2 (as we have 2 strokes in 1 revolution), multiplied by the RPM of the engine divided by a constant (60000). This constant is because we are use mm for the stroke and minutes for the engine speed. Mean piston speed is calculated as metres per second. 1000mm in a metre and 60 seconds in a minute. Times one by the other and voila 60000!

So an example once again, let us use the example from the Formula 1 engine that was a guesstimate in the first article;

We had a 45mm stroke so if we calculate mean piston speed at the engine speed ceiling imposed by the FIA (18000RPM) we can calculate the 

Cp= (45 x 2)x18000/60000

Cp= 1620000/60000

= 27m/s

Now this is where we have to compromise, the engine has to last so many events which transposes into a certain amount of kilometres. A race engine with exotic materials can last possibly through one qualifying event at mean piston speeds of 27.4m.s. 24 - 27 m/s is the norm and 25.2 - 26 would be deemed as safe, as most exotic materials are now banned in F1 with regards friction/piston and cylinder wall materials and coatings. It can be seen we are high on the mean piston speed but we guessed a stroke of 45mm. Our bore was well under the limit so if we up the bore size to maximum and shorten our stroke we can reduce the mean piston speed to a safer speed. 

If you have read this far and a re still interested where this blog will go then please feel free to transpose the capacity formulae to make the stroke the subject and so you can enter a bore or transpose the above Cp formula and make the stroke the subject and enter a safe mean piston speed. I will add a table in a few days with various bore, stroke and piston speed examples for you to compare. You will then have taken the very fisrt step into designing your own parametrised engine.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Engine Architecture and Mathematical Design

I'm hoping to make this blog appeal to the masses so lets start with the basics and move it on from there. I will add a worked example so you can follow along as I go. However I will use dimensions different from the engine I am developing for obvious reasons;

Basic Circle and Cylinder Theorem;

If we take the cylinder in figure 1.1 we can calculate the area and volume of the bore and cylinder respectively.

Blue Arrow = Diameter(d) = Cylinder Bore(B)
Yellow Arrow = Radius(r) = Cylinder Bore/2
Orange Arrow = Circumference(c)
Red Arrow = Height(h) = Engine Stroke(S)

You will no doubt remember from High School that πd = c, πr^2 = Area of a circle(A) and that
πr^2 x h = Volume of a cylinder (V_sv)

Swept Volume per Cylinder = π x (Bcm/2)^2 x Scm
Swept Volume per Cylinder = V_sv (cm^2 ) = π/4 x (B^2 mm)/100 x Smm/10
Swept Volume per Engine = V_tsv = n_cyl  x V_sv

So lets take the 2012 Formula 1 regulations as a guide to create an engine. The Bore must not exceed 98mm and the engine must be a 2.4litre V8. That basically means 2400cc/8 = 300cc per cylinder. If we were to use a large bore and a short stroke for high revolutions per minute, although the engine cannot rotate any higher than 18000 RPM, (I will discuss all this in depth later this is merely a basic example of the cylinder formulae as the RPM and mean piston speed are detrimental to the stroke) so with a stroke of 45mm;

πr^2  x S=V_sv

√(V_sv/πh)  x 2 = B
√(300/(πx4.5))  x 2 = B
√(300/(14.137))  x 2 = B
√(21.22)  x 2 = B
4.61 x 2 = 9.21cm = 92.1mm bore size

Therefore the engine would have a stroke of 45mm and bore of 92.1mm
Capacity would therefore be;

V_sv (cm^2 ) = π/4 x (92.1^2 mm)/100 x 45mm/10
 = 0.7854 x (8482.41)/100 x 45mm/10
 = 0.7854 x 84.8241 x 4.5mm
= 299.79cc


V_tsv = n_cyl  x V_sv
= 8 x 299.79
= 2398.32cc

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Engine Design

I will shortly begin to impart my PhD research onto this blog and continue to update over the next 6 years. The content will be High Performance engine design and development.
So if you are interested in Simulation, GT-Suite, CFD or engine design please peruse at leisure. The interesting stuff will start around August time with mathematical calculations for complete engine architecture from intake to exhaust system.
I will start at a very low level so all readers can follow no matter what knowledge you have but it will end up very in depth, finalising in software models and 'real life' dyno and flow bench testing.. Some four stroke knowledge is required from the off!

Enjoy, or mock! Your discretion.
